
How To Do Car Legs Maintenance Like A Pro

Page history last edited by Jeff Burton 3 years, 5 months ago

The legs of the car are crucial parts. Therefore, it's a good idea to check and recondition your favorite car brands suspension.

Caring for or maintaining the vehicle's condition is not limited to looking at engine performance, checking the legs, or reconditioning the car's suspension. Do not let us ignore it because these parts are interrelated to pursue driving comfort.


Check Tie Rod and Ball Join Condition


To be comfortable, you can do the suspension maintenance by checking each part gradually. So that it is much easier for vehicle owners when doing maintenance, reconditioning (rejuvenation), and planning the car suspension's reconditioning stage so that it has an impact on time and cost-efficiency.


There are many parts of the vehicle's legs, and each piece is also composed of several components. At official Peugeot workshops, we have SOPs or checking standards by checking each part in stages. From the check results, the customer will have an idea about the condition of the components, time, and cost.


The first step is to check the reconditioning of the car suspension to see the condition of the Tie Rod and Ball Joint. Both are essential components for steering the wheels. Tie Rod serves to connect the steering wheel to the tires to turn right and left. The ball joint acts as the axle or the fastener between the knuckle and the arm (wing). It becomes the wheel's focus when you turning right or left.


Detecting the damage can be done by listening to the sound that comes from the direction of the wheel arm. If there is a strange sound, it can be ascertained that the ball bearing has started to loosen (wear out). The surface of the tie rod and ball joint has changed or is not smooth, and it is also a sign that the components are worn and must be repaired immediately.


Check Shockbreaker Condition


Next, check the shock breaker, which reduces shocks or shocks due to unstable road conditions. You can detect it by hearing a loud and noisy sound when the car is being driven—moreover, interspersed with excessive body shocks felt by the driver in the cabin. If this is the case, the indication of a weak shock absorber component needs to be reconditioned.


The next check is the stabilizer bushing and arm bushing. Stabilizer bushing mounted on the stabilizer link to maintain the balance of the left and right suspension. You can detect damage by listening to a squealing or rumbling sound when braking.


Check Bushing Arm and Bearing Condition


The bushing arm, an iron tube filled with rubber, serves as the fulcrum between the wheel and the gripping arm. If these components start to break down, their performance as a support for the car's suspension will decrease in comfort.


To check the condition of the bushing arm, you can do it by looking at the direction of the steering car. Is the path of the car speed following the intended path through the steering wheel or not? When the vehicle tends to move left or right, and there is a rumbling sound at the wheels, this can indicate a problem with the bushing arm.


Bearings are also in charge of maintaining the stability of the car's speed. When this part is problematic, it will usually cause quite a rumbling and noisy sound from the direction of the vehicle's wheels.


Lastly is to check the condition of the tire tread. Although generally used up for a long time and the distance traveled, the essential thing that must be considered is the eroded tire tread area. Because the wear area is uneven, it can be ascertained that there is a problem with the supporting components on the car's legs.


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